
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Chocolate chips to brownies, in one dish and 20 minutes

Melt 2 cups chocolate chips. Stir in 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1 TBSP vanilla extract. Mix in 3 large eggs. Incorporate 1 1/4 cup sprouted whole grain pancake mix and 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Bake at 350 F for ~20 minutes. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Everyday Holiday Crockpot Chicken

  • Whole chicken
  • Vegetables
  • Wild rice

Cook your favourite wild and/or brown rice blend per package directions. Let pot cool, and place on floor for dog to clean so that washing will take 30 seconds (optional). Stuff chicken with rice. Place a layer of vegetables on bottom of pot; add stuffed chicken, wing tips up; and fill the rest of the pot with vegetables. To avoid unnecessary chopping, try to place longer vegetables like squash slices, celery sticks, or asparagus on the bottom, filling the nooks and crannies with broccoli florets, brussels sprouts, and baby carrots. Turn on low, go to work, and have a holiday meal ready and waiting when you get home!

Note: actual cooking time is 6-8 hours. Those of us dumb enough to work 24-48 hours in one go can prepare and cover the pot as described and place in refrigerator until needed.

One-Plate Bake

This is a very general meal idea, not a recipe. Just take an oven-safe plate (or a stack of oven and freezer safe containers), add fish/meat and vegetables, bake, and serve! Limits clean-up to a single dish and cutlery.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Did someone say ciabatte?

What's the best thing about a fresh ciabatta? Is it that perfectly crusty exterior, capable of containing a soup or supporting a dip, all without being hard? Or that soft sponge whose holes beg to be filled with sweet butter from local pasture-raised cows? Perhaps the fact that it can stay fresh for several days, making it the perfect substitute for a continental breakfast on short trips? Rather than debate such a sensitive topic, let's discuss how to make this little loaf of happiness with no mess, no stress, and when you're nearly penniless.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1/4 tsp. yeast
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • Optional additions, such as fresh rosemary and hard cheeses

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with a lid. Let sit one hour. Refrigerate 48-72 hours. Lightly coat baking sheet with olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Coat your hands with flour, use silicone spatula to pull biga (sponge dough) onto floured baking sheet, and gently shape into ovals slightly smaller than your desired loaf size. You may leave some of the biga, adding flour and water in a 2:1 ratio for the next batch. Cover with a dry towel and let rest 1-2 hours. Bake at 450 F for 30-50 minutes, depending upon loaf size. If panino-sized, then bake 30 minutes; if a single loaf, then 50 minutes. You can even use this as pizza dough, baking at your oven's maximum temperature for as little as 2 minutes a batch! Cool on wire rack until tepid to touch before slicing.

Note: If you have some sort of covered dish, such as a casserole dish or Dutch oven, you can bake the loaf inside to prevent a lousy even from burning it before the interior is cooked.

Sausage and rice (Backpacker friendly)

  • Summer sausage, diced
  • Wild rice
  • Diced/sliced tomatoes (dried, fresh, canned, etc.)
  • Carrots, celery, kale, onions, and/or other vegetables (fresh or dried/preserved)
  • Olive oil
  • Water or broth
  • Herbs to taste

Heat oil in pot. If using fresh vegetables/herbs, stir in for 3-5 minutes or until soft. Stir in rice to toast, another 3-5 minutes. If using dried vegetables/herbs, stir in now, along with diced sausage. Add water or broth slowly, while stirring. Bring to a boil, reduce to simmer, and cover for 20-50 minutes, depending upon type of rice. Remove from heat and let sit while covered for 10 minutes.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Bell pepper stackers

What happens when you want a sandwich but don't have sliced bread on hand? Just slice two large flat sections off of a bell pepper and slap them on either side of your favourite sandwich ingredients. The pepper pieces will still have a couple of wells that are perfectly sized for your favourite spreads or shredded cheese.

Other ideas for sliced bread substitutes: hollowed cucumber halves, soft lettuces, partially dehydrated eggplant slices, zucchini/squash slices, or anything else with the desired size and texture.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Quinoa salad


  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1/2 jar Kirkland Signature Artichoke Hearts, marinated in oil, diced
  • 1 large cucumber, diced
  • 1 cup finely chopped kale
  • 1 large diced tomato
  • 1 tablespoon crushed garlic
  • Fresh basil to taste
  • Cracked pepper to taste


Cook 1 cup dry quinoa (available sprouted or unsprouted) with 2 cups water: bring to a boil, and reduce to simmer for 15 minutes. Fresh quinoa sprouts and/or wild rice sprouts may also be used, cooked or raw.

Mix all ingredients and chill in fridge overnight before serving.

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About the Harenbergs

Audrey, Aipa, and Steve Harenberg on the Blue Ridge Mountains

We build strong working relationships between dogs and handlers through the use of modern learning theory and the development of technological aids.

Audrey has been involved with numerous non-profit organisations, as foster mom, therapy dog handler, and obedience instructor. In addition to teaching private lessons, group classes, and in-home training, she's busy creating free blog articles and books to help make progressive dog training accessible to all.

Steve is finishing his PhD in computer science and will be taking over technological development once he is freed from academia.